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Newcomers Club of Grand Traverse

HomeEventsWomen's Social Golf

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Women's Social Golf

Date and Time

Wednesday, July 24, 2024, 9:00 AM until 12:00 PM


Bay Meadows Family Golf Course
5550 Bay Meadows Drive
Traverse City , MI  49684


Women's Social Golf

Registration Info

Registration is required
If you are not able to make it please cancel your registration by the day before the event and/or text Brenda, (502-614-0192) that you are not able to golf. Thank you!

About this event

Nine holes of golf at Baymeadows Golf Course

Please RSVP on the Newcomers website by 5:00 PM on the Monday, before the event.
Tee times and groupings will be sent via email by 12:00 PM on the Tuesday, before the event.

Have questions?

Call Brenda Smith, 502-614-0192 or Cindy Schnetzler, 517-669-0243